About Us

Welcome to Ashling & Co!
At some time of our lives or another, we are all told to, "live your life to the fullest"; and I am here to do just that. Ashling & Co serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal customers and supporters as to what inspires me; all while inspiring others to feel divine. Observing those around me—such as family members and friends—radiate satisfaction in regard to specific Ashling & Co products initiated a fire within me to begin this journey—and to not look back. Ashling & Co is centered on showcasing and supplying homemade products—products that undoubtedly fall into the "unique" category to benefit and bring divine character into customers' homes. Ashling & Co is environmentally friendly products that one will feel good about purchasing. Each product is crafted with preciseness, gentleness, and care—to ensure smiles on customers' faces and to do their designated jobs in customers' homes. As founder of Ashling & Co, my primary goal is having customers overflowing with happiness. Each and every product is a specific, special homemade gift from me to customer(s)—a gift that serves its purpose. Thank you for all of your sincere care, love, and support!
Hello, I'm Kendra! Owner of Ashling & Co!